Erickson Ranch July 2013


     Oh July, you snuck by so quickly! The month of July at Erickson Ranch is hot, as is everywhere else in the valley. But despite that heat, there's a lush feel at the ranch. The flowers are in full bloom, the vegetables and fruit are ripening. Trees provide much sought after shade. Under the shed roof where all of the picked fruit and vegetables await, fans blow and the pace is mellow. Ranch dogs wander and lounge in the shadows, still hasty to greet visitors, but not so eager to leave the coolness of the shade. There's still plenty of work and business going on and the ranch feels as though it's in a happy state; greeting visitors, providing food and a comfortable place to hang out and explore on a hot summer day. There's nothing like fresh fruit, that has been basking in a little heat, to quench your thirst. It sounds counter intuitive, but when fruit is at a natural temperature you get it's true flavor and the juiciness can't be beat. 

     One of the things I love about Erickson Ranch is that it's not just a business but a lifestyle for the owners and their family. It's not always pretty (as Vicky will point out) with the bugs, mud, long days, never ending to-do list and hard work, but it's rewarding. The reward is obvious, and so much more than just the bounty of their land, it's something you immediately sense when talking to Ray or Vicky. It's a lifestyle they so generously share and strive to pass on to their visitors, the community and their friends. A perfect example is their recipe cards they have ready to go home with you and also located on their website, recipes that include fresh ingredients you can get straight from the ranch. Some of the ingredients are available already picked and ready to be bagged, others you pick yourself, fresh from the garden. It's just a wonderful experience all around. It connects you to your food, to a simpler process so easily forgotten with the conviniences we have today. 

     I enjoy making food that includes the maximum amount of fresh veggies possible and food that celebrates itself. Guacamole for instance, I like mine to mainly taste like avocado, enhanced with a little garlic and salt , perhaps  some onion, jalapeño and tomato if I'm feeling adventurous, but I want to celebrate the natural taste of the avocado as much as possible. Can you tell I'm passionate about my avocados ;) Sadly, the last few months with baby I've fallen from my veggie wagon! And have turned to convenient ready made food more often than I'd like... but honestly I miss a good, fresh home cooked meal! But knowing it's there waiting for me to just jump right back in is definitely exciting and I look forward to the time when I am back in my cooking groove. I am also looking forward to sharing the ranch with our little dumpling. From seeing how things grow, to harvesting the ingredients, to cooking; my own personal love of the ranch and the lifestyle aside, it's a great place to take kids and teach them all about food, where it comes from, how to prepare it and to really get them involved in what they eat. And hopefully, in turn, not so scared of veggies!

Make sure to head out to Erickson Ranch next time you need some fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers or just a bit of country in your life. 

Hope you're all staying cool as possible in this heat... On to August!

To see all months from my 2013 year long project click on the month: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember


Erickson Ranch April 2013


     April at Erickson Ranch brings on a proliferation of activity and blooms. Fields are tended to, vegetable crops are planted, garden crops begin to pop up and the apple trees begin to explode with their beautiful blooms. There is also a feeling of awakening on the ranch. A feeling that the land, the plants, the animals, the people all are stretching their arms, basking in the sun, taking a deep breath of fresh, warm air and preparing for the upcoming season of growth. And all the while the pretty purples of spring put on a show, from iris' to lilac to wisteria; it makes for a beautiful display to the start of the season! 

April 2014 has been an eventful one, so this particular post will be short but sweet. Hope you all are enjoying the spring! 

To see all months from my 2013 year long project click on the month: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember


February 2014 Favorite


     Keeping up with my Photo a Month project, I chose this photo in part because I love it as a photo and in part because I love this pretty, little succulent. Succulents have always held a special place in my gardening heart. I admire friends who have lovely, overflowing displays of succulents growing in pots on their front porches, those who have them beautifully placed in their homes and nurseries with wonderfully crafted displays that I only dream of having in my own yard. I have found some success in ignoring my plants as too much attention usually makes mine unhappy. I have also found that too much neglect also makes them unhappy! Perhaps I have them in the wrong location or have yet to figure out the perfect balance of attention, but sadly most of my succulents don't last for more than a season. Usually they wither away, grow tall and fall apart or just disappear! What's that all about?? haha! There has been one exception to this though. I found this lovely succulent last year, it was a beautiful, plump, silvery grey-green with hints of pink. The perfect little specimen for my grey and soft color loving heart. It flourished in a spot in my living room for many months and then one day (clearly after a while of neglect on my part, whoops!) I looked over and it had transformed from one beautiful specimen to another. In it's withered state this little one became just as beautiful, just in a different way. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away and had no idea how to revive it. So I left it, walking by it daily thinking about how much I loved the colors it had turned and that I needed to photograph it. February rolled around and it remains the same. Inspired by the blue-grey dresser I painted for the baby's room, I finally got around to photographing it! 

Do you have any secrets or tips on growing succulents successfully? I'd love to hear from you!